Easy Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen – Wall Tile Stickers?
Easy Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen – Wall Tile Stickers Do The Job Very Well – Here You have The Main Economical Ways To Revamp Your Kitchen That Actually Work:
– Paint or Vinyl Cover Cabinets
– Cover Tiles With Wall Tile Stickers
– Replace Knob & Handles
– Update Sinks, Faucets & Countertops
– Recover Floor Coverings
– Paint or Wallpaper Walls
– Add Wall Art & Lighting
– Add Storage
This is a list of the main areas suitable for budget-priced kitchen makeover ideas. I go into more detail below, plus there are even more ideas for you to think about. see more on the topic, Easy Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen – Wall Tile Stickers.
The Easy Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen –
Wall Tile Stickers Listed Here Will Help
What are the cheap ways to update your kitchen I was looking for a hassle-free kitchen revamp ideas that could work for any kitchen without breaking the bank? Unlike most writers, I’m a person that has actually tested many of the ideas described here in my own kitchen. If you’re the same as me, have a limited budget to do a full restoration of your kitchen, then possibly a few of these ideas could be beneficial to you:)
This Is Real
During my research, I came across many articles, websites and videos, picking the best ideas that can actually work. Next, I started to test them in my own kitchen. I have divided the list of ideas into those I have actually tried out already and those I have not implemented.
You will be able to see actual useful ‘before and after pictures’ as well as videos of each kitchen transforming idea that has been tested. For other ideas, you will find general images that help illustrate the ideas but they will not be of my kitchen.
Size Matters
As you possibly know, it is much easier to organize a large kitchen than a small one. The beauty of a large kitchen is that you can fit everything you need into it and space is not an issue. The downside of a large kitchen is that if it’s not organized well, you could be doing a lot of walking about.
Small, Not Always The Best
Most of the people I know have small kitchens and they are struggling for space. So their kitchens look a bit more untidy than a larger kitchen with more storage area would. That is simply down to the fact that more stuff is on a show as there’s no room to hide it.
In The Middle
I can understand issues on both sides as I am somewhere in the middle. My kitchen was formed from two smaller rooms but altogether this makes for a decent-sized kitchen. One room was the original kitchen and the second room was a part of a conversion from a garage. Therefore, I sometimes have to cope with a problem associated with a small kitchen, e.g. workspace for all the kitchen equipment I like to have to hand. Kettle, coffee maker, food processor, toaster, blender, scales, knives etc. Everything seems to be in my way when I am actually cooking; there is simply not enough countertop to give everything its own working place.
However, I have enough space to hide everything as there are a lot of cabinets. The big problem with that is “Out of sight out of mind.” In other words, if a piece of equipment is not where I can easily see it, I often forget to use it.
How To Update Or Revamp Your Kitchen On A Budget?
Easy Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen – Wall Tile Stickers
Do The Job Very Well but there are more ways.
Deep Cleaning Does Not Cost Much
How long has it been since last you took all your portable kitchen equipment off your countertops and cleared away all those escaped crumbs and other stray foods? How about those splashes on the wall tiles? They will have to go. If you’ve nowhere else, put countertop tools on the floor. They will only be there for a short period of time it will take to get some soapy water and a scourer to the areas to be cleaned. A final squirt and wipe over with an antibacterial spray might be a good idea too.
Apart From That, Revamping Costs Money
Please understand that you will have to spend some money on revamping your kitchen. Do not expect fantastic results for free, it does not work that way. However, you can have a brand new looking kitchen with a bit of your time and a reasonable amount of money spent. It is obvious of course the more you spend then the bigger change you can make, but the trick is to spend as little as possible to achieve wonderful looking results.
Most of the ideas presented here have been done in my kitchen already. Some cost more than others but none of them came close to breaking the bank and I could still pay my mortgage easily every month while I kept improving the look of my, now lovely, kitchen!
Easy Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen – Wall Tile Stickers?

Paint Your Cabinets Or Use Vinyl To Cover Them
Depending on the surface material, and with the right preparation, painting is a good way to revamp your kitchen cabinet. It is one of the most cost-effective and easiest solutions to achieve a total ‘new look’ kitchen, especially when you change the colors and textures of the finishes to bright modern ones.
However, I did not paint my kitchen furniture but, as it works for many people, it is worth to mention it here. Vinyl coverings worked for my kitchen better. As you can see on these images here:
Vinyl Wrap Cabinets
Vinyl covering, or vinyl wrap as it now often called, has many uses and not just for vehicles and school books! It is possible to use vinyl wrap on just about any hard smooth surface in your home to change it’s look or customize it. Kitchen equipment and cabinets, children’s and office furniture, tables, wardrobes, etc.
You can either use it to create shapes or cover whole areas with it. Now it is available in matte finishes, not just glossy like it used to be, it could be the perfect thing for updating while keeping within a budget rather than replacing an item.

actually worked out exceptionally well! I have to admit, this is not as easy as just painting cabinets. Don’t worry, I will help by preparing a handful of helpful articles and videos to help you decide If this is method is for you or not. If you think this is too much for you, then you can always find a company that will do it for you for what is still a small amount of money compared to cabinet replacement. All I can tell you is this works very well for most kitchens. so that is one of the cheap ways to update your kitchen
See how vinyl wrap has transformed my kitchen.
Use Wall Tiles Stickers To Cover Existing Tiles
One of the simplest ways to change the look of your kitchen is to change the appearance of your wall tiles, one of the most noticeable features of any kitchen. Not by replacing them, too messy and expensive, but by applying wall tile stickers to them. Wall tile stickers will transform your kitchen. It works, I did it, and the results are absolutely amazing!
I have done many try and error tests and spent a lot on them but now I can suggest really good quality tile transfers that are for sensible money. Personally, I do recommend these from Amazon.
I loved it so much so I dedicated a large part of this website to share as many tips and as much advice as you are going to need to be confident about covering tiles with stickers. Just look how much difference it made:) Videos Here
This only answers part of the question, Easy Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen – Wall Tile Stickers?
See also: Tile Stickers Calculator, How To Cover Old Tiles? Why Cheap Tile Stickers Are So Good?
How To Apply Peel And Stick Tile Covers? How To Pick The Best Colour? and Are Tile Stickers Easy To Remove?
Changing Knobs And Handles
If painting or vinyl wrapping your cabinets doesn’t quite make such a change as you would like, provided your doors are still in good condition, consider changing some of the detail work too. Swapping out door handles and knobs to a new style will certainly make a difference. You could add decorative trims too but getting that right can be difficult and is not always practical from a wear and tear point of view.
I have seen it suggested to only change the handles without painting or wrapping cabinet doors. However, if the fixing positions of the new handles are different to the old ones, and they should be if you want a significant design change, then the fronts will have a hole, or holes, where the old fitting was. These are much easier to conceal by filling and painting or wrapping.
I have done this and it worked well, so can recommend this idea as it is so easy to do. I used a little trick to buy my door handles which I will tell you all about in my next post.
Do Not Install New Countertops, Use Vinyl Instead
After painting or vinyl covering your cabinets with vinyl, the next most costly large and easily noticed item to change is your countertops. Post formed laminate tops have been the most usual material over recent years. Marble, granite, slate and stone tops have made a reappearance too. These materials have been used for centuries but are expensive to install these days. As we are talking budget revamps I’d like to introduce you to a much lower cost alternative.
I decided to use a good quality vinyl to cover my counters. Maybe laminate counter tops don’t cost a lot but they are not as cheap as a good quality vinyl. Also, on the top of the material expense you have to add labor costs because fitting laminate counters is a specialist job.
When changing countertops, on top of the actual fitting, walls and other parts of your kitchen could get damaged. For that reason I have chosen to put decent vinyl over my existing countertops and it made an absolutely lovely job!!!
Please remember, you can’t just use any type of vinyl on your countertops. So I have prepared a few articles for you where I recommend what to use and most importantly how to do it; including videos and images. Yes, you can follow them and do it too.
Changing Faucets
One kitchen feature that is often overlooked is the faucets. It wouldn’t cost a lot of money to replace these with a stylish new set, but it can make a big difference to your kitchens appearance.
Replace The Sink
The kitchen sink no longer needs to look just functional and boring. While stainless steel sinks are still the most popular in modern kitchens, there are many more stylish alternatives nowadays. You could go retro and install an earthenware or ceramic sink, just make sure it goes with the rest of your décor.
Alternatively, take a look at some of the more colorful fiberglass and resin sinks that are on the market. Then there is a choice of one sink bowl or a unit with more than one bowl in varying bowl sizes. Single or double drainer or a just a bowl with the countertop being the drainer? Far greater choice now than grandma ever had.
Easy Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen – Wall Tile Stickers?
I had my partner Peter to change my sink, so it was easy for me. I can understand that most women would not replace a sink or faucet themselves but it is worth doing as it such a cheap and effective way of changing your kitchens look. You can always call a plumber or ask a friend if they would do it for you.

Yes, my partner updated ours. It was not major job and the final effect was great, I love it:)
Update Your Kitchen Floor
If you think your flooring needs a revamp then, provided your existing floor covering is intact without any holes or other damage, you can simply lay new floor coverings on top of it saving the mess of taking it up. Also, you only need to cover what is seen. No need to go wall-to-wall, just underneath the cabinet plinth strips which lift out easily. Less fuss, often less cost too.
Here you have two options;
1 – You can buy a roll of vinyl flooring – you will need someone to help you to lay it down.
2 – You can buy floor vinyl stickers – again easy and you can fit them yourself.
I have chosen option two because it suited my kitchen best. See the results here:
See also: How To Lay Sheet Vinyl Flooring In Kitchen
Cover Up With A Curtain
Having under counter appliances on show doesn’t always suit the look of a kitchen. Neither does open, often untidy, shelving, units without doors or other types of nooks and crannies. To help get a more tidier or uniform look it often helps to lessen their impact by covering these places or things with something as simple as a curtain. A bold patterned print with colors complimenting your kitchens décor often work best, or a simple plain one might suit your taste.
In my kitchen, recycling bins were on show and that drove me crazy but I always seemed too busy to sort them out. One day I finally just ordered a curtain, plus fixing for it, and bingo; here you have result:
Before and after images here coming soon….
Add Wall-Covering / Splashback
If tiling isn’t an option, try sticking cladding panels on the wall between your high level cabinets and your countertops. They usually come with adhesive backings for easy installation so you can fit them yourself. Apart from coming in a vast range of colors, including metallics, you can also get them with quotes or sayings on. This is an especially good option for use in rental property.
I did not do it as I have used vinyl tile stickers instead but I can see this as a good idea, particularly behind cooking hobs.
Read more here: Measuring Wall To Cover It With Screw- Fixings Glass Splashback
Install Extra Lighting
Not all lighting has to be permanent or done by an electrician. There are now some plug-in options for such things as Led strip, spot, or flood lighting. These work well under high-level cabinets so you can not only see to work on your countertops but can also give your kitchen a different feel.
The Led striplights are rows of tiny bright lights that can be cut to length to suit your cabinets. The Led spot and flood lights usually come in sets of four and can be positioned at intervals under your cabinets.
They often give a softer light and are kinder to your eyes. My kitchen definitely needed some extra lighting and here is what I have done.

Update Kitchen Walls
Repainting the walls and ceiling has got to be the biggest, most visually obvious and most cost effective change maker for any kitchen. Some say the job can be done in a day, but that of course depends on the size of your kitchen and almost certainly does not include preparation time and putting everything back afterwards. Preparation is key here. Kitchen walls can often be greasy and dirty and paint doesn’t take kindly to either of them. So you MUST start by cleaning and degreasing your kitchen.
Actually, you really start by deciding on your color scheme. Color psychologists (yes, they do exist) say to avoid the color blue in a kitchen as it can dull your taste buds and, because it is a place of work, to keep your kitchen color scheme bright and vibrant. My advice is to look through some magazines and websites to see what inspires you personally. It is you that has to work in there after all. Everyone can paint, with care, and I did it in my kitchen with a good result. It added a nice ‘room freshness’ feeling.
Ceiling Lights
Changing or adding lights on your ceiling could transform your kitchen. However, it really depends on the kitchen. While the distribution of lighting in a kitchen can make a world of difference to you working easier and more safely, it is often not considered at all. Kitchen lighting design has a history of following lamp technology. We’ve gone from tungsten, to fluorescent, halogen and now Led lamps.
My advice is to get a light fitting that gives a good light distribution and takes Led lamps. Led’s are safer and longer lasting too. 3½ watt from a cool Led lamp gives a better light compared to 50w from a hot halogen lamp. That’s more than 14 times better efficiency from a cheaper lamp. You’ll notice that difference in lower electricity bills too.
Every kitchen needs a clock of some sort. How about making yours stand out as a talking point? Go for a big ‘ol industrial wall mounted timepiece, they make replicas now with a quart movement. Or perhaps something colorful, jazzy, or bold. As long as the color is in keeping with the rest of your new stylish kitchen décor – or maybe clash with it, making a real personal statement.
Change The Look Of Light Switches
Transform all of your light switches in minutes with vinyl stickers. This is so easy and cheap to do but helps to make light switches match the rest of your kitchen décor without changing the actual switches or faceplates.
I have transformed my kitchen with other methods first and then used lightswitch stickers afterwards as I could then see exactly what color worked best for my walls.
Display Wall Art
Kitchen wall art can help to really personalize your kitchen’s ‘feel’. Wall art tends to be one of the items that changes with the fashion of the times.
One time it was photos, another it was advertising posters then inspirational posters. Check the magazines for the current trends if you want to be trendy. Alternatively just please yourself. Show your individuality.
Your kitchen almost certainly has a trashcan. These functional items are often hidden away but if it’s on show, where you can get to use it more easily, make it an integral part of your décor. Here, using a bit of vinyl wrap would be the most cost-effective method.

Create A Feature Wall
A feature wall can be either a very plain wall, its plainness being the feature, or a bold patterned wall that can be painted or be wallpapered. Either way, a feature wall must be the focal wall of the room. A plain feature wall can have artwork or other decorations on them, giving a focal point to the feature, not so much on a heavily patterned wall.

Window Dressing
Getting the look of your window ‘jut right’ is one of finer points of detail that go towards making your kitchen feel like home. No longer does this have to be a bit of net curtain or draw down shade, there is plenty of scope for a more modern appeal. Vertical blinds, roller blinds, venetian or roman blinds, valances, cotton print curtains with or without patterns and that’s just the window covering styles.
Just think what you can do when you add in the vast choice of textures and colors each of those styles is available in.
Buy New Appliances
Buying new appliances to change the look of a kitchen is not high on my list. The reason being that, apart from the color, one washing machine or refrigerator, microwave or stove looks pretty much the same as another. Other than it being broken, the only reason I’d change any major appliance is to get a more efficient model. If you start replacing built-in appliances then you might well be looking at a complete new kitchen to keep uniformity.
Storage Space
Improve Kitchen Storage
It doesn’t take long before we have accumulated more equipment in our kitchen than there seems to be space for. When this happens, the first thing to do is set aside some time put your kitchen kit into a much better working order. When we appear to have lots of space we tend not to worry too much about organization. This means we can probably free up quite a bit of storage with a bit more thought of where to put everything. The best thing is, this won’t cost you any money at all and can easily improve the look of your kitchen.
You can hang pans on a wall to help the look of your kitchen and increase storage space. Or have several sets of ‘nested’ pans fit in just one drawer.
I have prepared for you a series of posts and videos about kitchen storage improvement so you can see some ideas of how you might improve your storage. There are many ways to do it and I have plenty of good tips.
Install Some Railing
If you do a lot of cooking, then you’ll know it’s good to have all your tools close at hand. How the professional chefs achieve that is by hanging a lot of their utensils on a rail at head height where they can grab them quickly. In smaller kitchens you may need all your wall space for storage but, if you have space, it makes your kitchen look so professional when you add a tool rail to it.
Install Shelves
If you have a small wall space that could be used for storage but is not big enough to squeeze a cabinet into, you could perhaps put some shelving up instead. Shelves can be made to fit virtually any space, big or small, and are relatively cheap to buy and install. Rather than clutter your shelf up, use it to showcase some of your kitchenware.
Remove All Doors
Are you still want to know more Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen? One way of making a small kitchen appear much bigger is to remove the cabinet doors. You don’t have to remove all the doors, just those around eye level. Effectively this means you now have over counter shelving instead of high-level cabinets.
There are disadvantages to this, isn’t there always?
* One is that everything on the ‘shelving’ is now far more susceptible to getting atmospheric dust and dirt accumulate on things you don’t use too often. So you’ll need to empty and clean the contents more often; or add glass doors. This still gives the impression of size but without the added health risk.
** A second disadvantage is that if you have clutter on your ‘shelving’, everyone can now see it; even if you do add glass doors. A way to overcome this is to reorganize the contents of all of your cabinets and shelving so that whatever you put in the top cabinets can be seen as being ‘displayed’ rather than just housed in there.
Introduce Vintage Furniture
Instead of revamping your kitchen to give it a modern streamlined feel, you could find it more cost effective to go the other way, retro/vintage. For this you could acquire second user furniture from thrift stores, yard sales and Craigslist etc. Giving old furniture a makeover of modern paint in vibrant colors could also look really cool. You could have some real fun at knockdown prices if you decide to take this approach.
Create A Kitchen Diner
The kitchen has been considered to be the heart of the home for years, the place where the family gathered to eat and talk. Creating a full sized dining area will only apply to larger or medium sized kitchens that have sufficient space. So is it possible to create one in a smaller kitchen?
When space it at a premium, all you really need to find is enough room to stand a drop leaf table and some folding chairs. They can be out of the way during cooking time, set up in the central floorspace while dining and then put away again afterwards.
Add A Pan Rack
While I said earlier that it’s possible to store many nested pans in a drawer, that only applies to smaller pans of uniform shape. For larger vessels, and pans of more irregular shapes, investing in an overhead pan rack could be a good alternative. Pan racks are generally seen over kitchen islands but smaller ones can be positioned nearer to a wall if space is bit tight. Like the railing for utensils feature, pan racks tend to give a period or professional feel to a kitchen while also being extremely useful and convenient.

Don’t Dream – Just Do It!
Now you know the cheap ways to update your kitchen? Right? Here, you just read some of the best kitchen transformational ideas that can actually make big differences in your kitchen. You don’t need to do all of them, just try a few of them. It is very likely you will love the results. However, do not dream that you will spend just ten dollars and your kitchen becomes amazing looking.
Sorry, but you will see very little difference if you are thinking of a total kitchen revamp with just pocket change. Be realistic, write a list of what you want to do. Then decide how much you can spend at a time; then just do it. A little at a time, project after project. That is exactly what I did and you just have seen the results.
I have also shared my experience and tips via many articles and videos that should help you to see and understand nearly all described above ideas. In other words, before you start your project you would be able to see how to do it and what to expect. I hope that my work will help you:)
This is all you need to know about the topic: Easy Cheap Ways To Update Your Kitchen – Wall Tile Stickers?